Request A Free Quote Leave this field blank Mould affected Dwelling Type or Job Site House Duplex Apartment Townhouse Office Shop Factory Other Please Specify Other Dwelling Type Suburb * Postcode * IS THE PROPERTY AFFECTED BY MOULD: Managed by: * Property Owner and Occupier Investment Property Owner property Manager / Real Estate Agent Strata Manager Builder / Tradesperson Tenant Your Name * Your Phone * Your Email * Affected Property Address * Property Address Property Access contact name * Property access contact email address Property access contact phone number * Have you got owner / property management approval for mould remediation Yes No please get owner / property management approval for mould remediation to proceed. Has these work been approved or is it covered by a valid insurance policy? Yes No Insurance company Name ABOUT THE MOULD IN THE PROPERTY Is the Mould visible? Yes No Is the Mould black? Yes No Is there a mould smell? Yes No In which room / rooms is / are the mould issue(s)? (You can select more than one) Kitchen Bathrooms Bedrooms Lounge Study Subfloor Others How long has the mould issue been ongoing? Weeks / Months / Years Weeks Months Years Your Message Upload Image Choose file Uploading… (0%) Browse Oops. A file with this name has already been uploaded. Oops. This file type isn’t allowed. Oops. This file size is too big. Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete 0/10 Files uploaded Send